Wednesday, November 27, 2019

On The Universality Of Poetry Essays - Chapbooks,

On the Universality of Poetry Like any art form, poetry is considered universal. It ranks with music, dance, and fine arts as a form or process of expressing Man's thoughts and passions. Unlike other art forms, however, poetry -- and in fact literature -- has a peculiar characteristic. As a medium it uses language, and unlike other mediums -- like rocks, paints, beat -- language is not universal, it is cultural. Since culture varies according to geography, time, religion, and gender -- it is without doubt that there are multitudes of different languages. Thus poetry becomes cultural or non-universal in form, a characteristic that confines the production and reception of poetry to people that understand the form(language, symbolism, idiom etc etc) that poetry use ---a relatively small class of people. Some time ago, our English class read T.S. Elliot's "The Love Song of Alfred J. Prufrock", a long poem in the form of a soliloquy on whether or not the persona should or should not approach a woman he loves, eat a peach, or part his hair. Critiques declared it as the modern Hamlet -- a reflection of the consciousness of the Modern Man. They exclaimed that the poem is a concise description of resent ideologies and philosophies. With a lot of difficulty and guidance, we understood and even appreciated the poem, primarily because we are familiar with the "language" that Elliot used. But would a farmer or just abut any individual unfamiliar with the nuances of poetry understand o appreciate it? Maybe, but the most probable scenario is that they would understand the major points of the poem, but t not recognize little details that make the poem great -- the fact that it contains excerpts from major English writers and that the images in the poem echoes its sense. It can also be noted that the allusions present in "Prufrock" are Western in origin. There are cuts from Chaucer, Donne, Shakespeare and about every other canonical English writers. This technique of alluding to the Masters is not present in Prufruck alone. In fact, this is prevalent in the literary works produced in the past four hundred years. Allusion in poetry is not only for aesthetic purposes but also a way of showing respect to someone/something great. That almost all allusions are to Western pieces, imply that literature is indeed or what is considered to be "great" literature are essentially Western. Consequently the standard for literature became that of the West's and the habit of Western-oriented poetry is established. It became increasingly more difficult for new and different to be accepted as great or even as poetry/literature. Thus Eastern writers -- in order to be great -- have to come up to this Western ideals and in the process become Western. The most common misconception is that poetry/literature is universal because it tackles the Human condition -- it is a reflection of Humanity. That even if an idea is stated in a different way, themes behind certain poems transcend culture, time, and therefore language. It is. That the indicission felt by Prufrock is no different from the indecision that Rama felt in Bhagavad Gita. Yes. But would an Indian appreciate the fact that Prufrock's internal conflict is about hair-parting and eating peach? Would an Englishman understand the Bhagavad Gita if it is written in Hindu or even understand the essentially Asian concern of wheter he should or should etc etc? The fact is that form and meaning come hand in hand. The form determines the meaning and vice versa. There cannot be one without the other. Thus if a person does not even go beyond understanding what the form expresses, what he sees is just a fragment of the piece of literature, a part of the whole. Since people are divided into classes of individuals with different colors, occupation, and gender each with their won way of expressing their already varying experiences even of the same events -- there can never be one unifying and universal language, form, and therefore nver be any kind of universal literature.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Sending an E-mail Without Proofreading is Like Shooting a Gun Without Aiming

Sending an E-mail Without Proofreading is Like Shooting a Gun Without Aiming Sending an E-mail Without Proofreading is Like Shooting a Gun Without Aiming Sending an E-mail Without Proofreading is Like Shooting a Gun Without Aiming By Mary For most professionals, communicating by e-mail is a part of daily life. E-mail is a very convenient way to communicate basic information to one or more people. Even though most professionals feel that e-mail makes their lives easier, there are also a number of complications related to e-mail usage. When you press send on an e-mail message, you have transmitted what amounts to a permanent written record of your thoughts on a particular subject to another person. The other person is free to read your message, delete your message, or forward your message to any number of other people. As any businesspeople who have ever found themselves in trouble over a little thing like a few shredded documents can tell you, having a permanent written record of your words is no laughing matter. Of course, if your words are riddled with grammatical mistakes, misused words, poorly written sentences, and typographical errors your e-mail messages very well may become laughing matters. Your co-workers may be very entertained by evidence that your writing skills leave something to be desired. It is a fact that people form impressions about your level of intelligence based on how you write. If you send e-mail messages that are full of errors to co-workers and clients, they are likely to form a negative impression of you. Make sure to carefully proofread all e-mail messages before you hit send. Keep in mind that you know where you are sending your e-mail, but you don’t know where it might end up. A misfired e-mail message that is full of mistakes can shatter your reputation. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Spelling category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:10 Grammar Mistakes You Should AvoidExcited ABOUT, not "for" Capitalizing Titles of People and Groups

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Project and Change Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Project and Change Management - Assignment Example Break Even Point Indeed, in talking about break even point, reference is being made to that time in the investment process when a balance can be reached in either making a profit or a los (Chen, and Chung, 2009). Subsequently, gain must equal loss at this point so that the marginal level of profit can be 0 on a normative scale. Noting that in our present scenario the capital injection will not be added into finding the break even point, it is important to mention however that the opportunity cost of the capital shall be accounted for. This way, the break even point can be said to be that time in the investment when gains from reduced cost of labor and increases in gross revenue per year is equated to the sum of all the expenditure cost. Should the project be accepted for financing? Generally, a project is worth accepting for financing if the cost of the capital injection is relatively less than the internal rate of return. In other words, the internal rate of return ought to be great er than the capital for the investment to be accepted as viable. To this end, as the quoted net present value on the investment has been found to be 572968 whiles the initial capital is 450,050, it can be said that the project should be accepted for financing. Question 2: Earned Value Management – Project monitoring and controlling 1. Based on the 0-100% rule, please calculate the following: a. CPI and SPI and explain what the values mean. [4 pts] The CPI strikes a ratio between the expected value and the actual value. In this present situation, the expected values are represented by the planned cost. Subsequently, CPI = ?Planned Cost/?Actual Cost = 3600/3400 = 1.06 Value for SPI is calculated based on the period for which activities that been completed according to the 100%. In this direction, SPI = Expected Value / Present Value = 600+1200+400+400)/(600+1200+400+400) = 2600/2600 = 1 b. Estimated cost at completion for the deck project